Where are Rehfuss products used?
  • Aggregate construction
  • Agricultural machinery
  • Air conditioning
  • Application technology
  • Beverage industry
  • Business machines
  • Car wash engineering
  • Chemical industry
  • Construction machinery
  • Conveyor and lifting technologies
  • Crane technology
  • Doors and gates engineering
  • Environment engineering
  • Food technology
  • Installation
  • Laundry machinery
  • Machine tools
  • Marine technology
  • Medical technology
  • Packing machines
  • Paper industry
  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Plant manufacturing for the automobile industry
  • Power engineering
  • Printing machinery
  • Rehabilitation technology
  • Robotics
  • Storage technology
  • Textile engineering
  • Traffic engineering
  • Wood processing industry
  • And many more


Our solutions are just as versatile
as the industries and requirements of our customers.

If systems, machines or various devices need to be driven, we are your reliable partner. Our gearboxes and motors can be used in many ways and can withstand difficult conditions.

Automation technology
in food processing

Food processing requires the highest level of hygiene. Our product line “Cleanness” stands for cleanliness, hygiene and easy cleaning.

Area of application
pharmaceutical technology

Stirrers for the manufacture of pharmaceutical products require high reliability, which is guaranteed by drive technology from Rehfuss. Day after day.

Car washes as endurance test

Car washes are an absolute endurance test for electric drives. Special seals, encapsulations and paint systems provide special protection against water and thereby guarantee tightness as well as error-free continuous operation.

Cleaning robots
for photovoltaic systems

Over time dirt accumulates on photovoltaic modules. Specific robots allow cleaning at lofty heights. Rehfuss supplies the intelligent drive solution.

Fokus automation technology

The tried and tested Rehfuss drives are powerful, efficient but also economic components in many systems of automation and handling technology.

Heat treatment plants

In the heat treatment of so-called long products the prevalent heat puts a hard test on Rehfuss products which they pass confidently.

Special machinery

Special applications require individual solutions. In this example our drives ensure smooth operation of a cutting machine for cake bases or hamburger buns.


Elderly or sick people often have problems walking. Climbing stairs in particular is a challenge for many of them. For many, a stair lift is a helpful and even indispensable device. Rehfuss supplies the drive component for these.

Radar technology

Rehfuss drives withstand the toughest operating conditions when navigating ships and ensure highest precision and reliability.

Packaging machines

Packaging machines are indispensable in today’s international consumer market. We need reliable solutions of drive technology so that these machines will work optimally, efficiently and reliably.